Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My first public speaking

May 22, 2007, for everyone else, this was just an ordinary day. But for me, this day marks the start of 70% of what I will be doing for the rest of my career - public speaking or presentation.

Cebu International Convention Center - this was where the 12th Aseas Summit was held and the singlemost talked about landmark to date. Talked about because of it's alleged overpriced substandard construction. So far, the Governor did a good job of explaining to the taxpayers that the price was not over its budget but was actually, below!

Anyway, so much for the issues and back to my own issues, I think maybe I did good...or maybe I didn't. But what's important was that I learned so much from that experience to make me a better presentor next time around.

And that's what it is all about, how you learn from your experiences and use it to make you a better person.

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