Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My 1st year with Sir Wilson Ng

Yes, it is my 1st year anniversary working with Ng Khai/Esprint and Sir Wilson. In this generation of workers - or atleast for my batch - it is often hard to stay on a company for a long time. There is always the reason of "greener pasture". For me alone, this is my 3rd company in 6 years. Well, the reason was not always the "greener pasture". Sometimes, it is the "better pasture". Right now, honestly speaking, i love my job. True, there are ups and downs. But for me, of the 3 pastures I've been into, this is the better one.

I really appreciated my boss because unlike everyone else of his status, he shares his wisdom. He is more of a teacher to me than a boss. And for me, a teacher can always be a boss also, but it's not always that a boss can be a teacher at the same time. And the 1 year of stay for me is a year full of learning.

To make the long story short, the end of a 1st is always a beginning for the 2nd, hehehe...


Rey Abao-Dacalos said...


life must move on if needs to be. don't look back in anger bai but always remember the lessons of the previous one!

good luck to you!

orven said...

well, it's not my style to look back in anger. First of all, it's just a waste of time and emotion. Second, we cannot redo it anyway. You're right, life must move on if it needs to. Or should I say, it will always move on no matter what we do. It is for us now if we want to be left behind or go on with it.

Thanks bai!

Unknown said...

hi orvz!!

we miss u!! hehehe char...!!

hope to see you soon..

SPi Peeps